I feel as though we have entered into a national Alice In Wonderland world. Especially today, I feel surrounded by a kaleidoscope of reality. The news has become a warped distortion of the real world, not the one I choose to see. Sometimes I feel thrown into a distorted realm where it has become difficult to be in touch with what is real.
Even the guardians of a stable reality are running into one another, mimicking the antics of the Three Stooges. Those who I have elected and relied on to maintain a semblance of ordered reality are rushing to life boats and bailing frantically and ineffectively.
We have descended into a rabbit hole and reality is totally distorted. I grasp for the world I am being pulled from, resisting a tumble into that rabbit hole. In the midst of this madness, I reach for my anchors of stability, my connections to reality.
My anchors are my friends and my garden. I am also anchored within, by the awareness that relies on my inner stability. When the world seems to be morphing into a whirlwind of madness, I reach inside for the oasis of equanimity I hold securely. It is a stable island, and I welcome my friends to join me there.