
It is both a gift and a skill to accept what I cannot do. I am no longer able to go cross-country skiing. I now realize that I am unable to change anyone. I am unable to save anyone who does not want to be saved. I am unable to convince anyone who does not want to change what they think. I cannot undo what has been done.

I am unable to turn back time and change what I have done or what someone else has done. It all remains a part of me and part of them. I do not resist that. I cannot unlove all those I have loved. Nor can I reach back and love anyone I felt estranged from.

I am not even sure that I can change who I am at this moment. Perhaps I am able to shape the future in some small way by actions I take. The past has consequences, none of which I am able to change. Perhaps the future is something I am able to affect.

It is best for me to accept what I am unable to change or affect. There is much else that I can do