What does it take to realize that I am connected to all things? What does it take to experience my unity with the earth and the stars? I know and feel that I am connected to the friend I hug as they leave my home or as I meet them in the hallway at Sangha. How do I learn to feel that unity that is such a deep and intimate aspect of us and has been there since we came into existence?
I want to remember we are not separate and never have been. We are one. We are united.
For me, freeing up this reality begins by my touching whatever is near to me. It might be a table, a plant, a person, or the rug under my bare feet. I practice letting go of the raw sensory experience and I become aware of the touch in a manner that reaches beyond the sensory. My deep awareness and the object touched or seen are experienced as one.
I am no longer touching the tablet on my knees or the keyboard at my finger tips. I enter into and am part of the unity that binds us.
I walk down the stairs and my feet become part of each step they touch. My hand is united with the railing, not by touch alone but by experiencing the unity we share. I touch a friend in a loving and intimate way and we both experience more than the simple sensory connection of touch.
Throughout the day I am reminded by a bell to become aware of the unity I share with whatever is near me. It is often a table or a wall. The table or that wall becomes a portal to all that is. I open to unity through practice. I enjoy the unity I have with all things.