My normal sensory apparatus only perceives that part of my world I consider “seen”. I typically rely on all forms of unseen aspects of reality, such as gravity, magnetic fields, electricity and electronic waves. I am aware of the effects, but many factors remain unseen. I think there is much more that is unseen and yet to be discovered.
I am realizing that I live in an ocean of the unseen. Plants have a level of intelligence I have, until now, never been aware of. They have a relationship with me that has been unseen. I am constantly being affected by an unseen barrage of the past from my ancestors. I am learning to recognize the sharing of intelligence with others without any normal sensory connection. I am beginning to think that the unseen future hovers on the edges of my awareness.
While much of my world is typically unseen, I think it is not beyond my awareness. I am getting small glimpses of that unseen dimension that suggest that I can learn to “see” the unseen.