
Clarity is the foundation of kindness. Even if my actions may appear to be kind, without clarity they lack the substance of my involvement. Without clarity, my action are not aligned with the forces of the universe.

Without clarity, I am acting based on my imagined view of my situation. Unless I have clarity, my actions will not be right actions, they will not be based on anything substantive. They will be based only my imagination.

To achieve clarity, I begin with fully experiencing my body. To understand my mind I first understand and enter into my body. A relaxed and fully possessed body allows me to come into intimate contact with my feelings, any one of which has the potential to hijack my mind. Clarity of mind emerges through the portal of my body and its attendant feelings. With clarity of mind I can see my way to acts of kindness. Without clarity, my actions are misguided.

Clarity allows me to act with kindness. Without clarity, my actions are at least hallow and often lacking in kindness. Thru clarity, I direct the energy of the universe into my actions. That is the fullest infusion of kindness.


Impermanence is a gift. Thanks to impermanence, all things are possible. I am not locked into a future of determined outcomes, goals or objectives. My own mind is not limited and confined by anything of my own making or by anything anyone else has done, is doing or will do.

You see, I want it all, and impermanence makes that available. All I have to do is surrender into an unformed free fall into the emptiness. The endless fall is my adventure into a contact with it all. I give up all that I think I have, and I realize that I am connected and part of everything. Nothing permanent, everything present, unlimited engagement. Impermanence is my gift.