
Every morning, I open my heart, my whole body to the universe. For me it is not just an attempt to hold the whole world close. It is more a bold gesture to align myself with it all. I want to allow the energy all around me to flow free freely through me, I want to be a conduit as well as a receptacle of the wondrous erotic energy of the universe.

For me to be aligned means no resistance. It means no holding on to my preconceptions of what is to be, what is about to flow into my day. I may make some plans, perhaps to plant begonias today. That is but a broad outline and it may or may not be what I will experience as the energy of the ages manifests in how my day progresses.

It is for me a generous letting go, of being prepared for what will flow through me today. Sometimes I think of it as a free fall into what comes my way. It may be more like allowing the current of the universe, the free flowing energy of the world around me to carry me along. I will not resist it. I will align myself with the gestures of the world, even those I do not welcome and prefer to change. Some I may even attempt to redirect. They will all carry me along as I align myself with them and the energy they carry.

My body, of course, is integral to this alignment. If I am to channel the eros of the universe, my body has to be attuned to that magnificent force all around me. It is for me a total gesture of allowing my body to fall into nothingness and become one with all that flows around me. I become a channel of the erotic energy that makes the plants grow, the winds blow, the water flow. I open to the leaping energy of squirrels in my trees, the flying birds, the emerging plants. I feel their energy with my whole body, I allow the same energy that moves them to become what propels me through the day.

It is happening all around me, and I want to be aligned with it all. First my body has to let go. All my senses have to forget what they know and be prepared for what is to come. They are prepared to be surprised, to be aligned