It seems to happen a lot. I will be talking with a friend, and the conversation takes a turn in a way that causes me to say, ” I was just thinking that!” I sometimes explain this by calling it a coincidence. Perhaps it is a logical turn based on what we had been discussing. I think it is more often an example of convergence. Our minds, already in harmony, simply are turning to a convergent connection with the universal intelligence in which we live.
You see, I think the universe is a vast pool of awareness. Call it intelligence if you want; I regard both as aspects of the same reality. Humans, like all animate and inanimate entities, have evolved to be able to tune into that intelligence. My physiology has a developed, nurtured ability to share in that universal intelligence in a human way. How much I can share in it, or in which way I share in it, is a result of my innate physiology and how I have trained it. A lot depends on my physical body. It also depends on how I have practiced to use my physical body to be aware.
My awareness is different from that of a wolf, an eagle or a tree. We have physical structures that are capable of tuning into the universal awareness in different ways. My awareness is similar to other humans because we share similar neurological structures. But it is also different from other humans because I have learned to use those neurological structures in different ways than that have.
But there are some people, notably close friends, who have trained their physiology, their neural networks, in ways similar to what I have done. We have learned to be connected to the universal awareness in similar ways. The universal awareness, intelligence expresses itself in similar ways in each of us. So when our conversation takes a similar turn, it isn’t that we are being logical, or that we can read one another’s minds. We simply, out of training, converge on similar awareness.
I like being able to experience this kind of convergence with friends. I wish I could also converge more with the intelligence, awareness of a wolf, an eagle or a tree. To do this, I think I must first shed much of the training unique to humans, my training on how to be aware as a human. It means shedding the dualistic way of thinking that otherwise serves me well, but interferes with my ability to enter the universal awareness with few constraints. I have to learn better how to let go, how to skinny dip in the universal awareness.
I think I want to float into the universal endless darkness that has no limitations of conventional human thought. I want a greater kind of convergence that allows me to experience how I am connected to all things.
Being human with my given physiology has been a wonderful adventure. Practicing expanded ways of human convergence has given me delight. I am trying to step beyond into a deeper convergence. And I have no idea what that will be like.