To want. To want is such a marvelous gift. Instinctively I know what it means to want. It was part of me from my first manifestation as an infant. The universe conspired and converged to form this bundle of want, this rich mass of focused desire. The universe has summoned me to respond with an energized Yes. The call is in the marrow of my bones. I want. I have always wanted.
All things are driven by want, and I am no exception. Like the parts of atoms, I am naturally drawn to want, to be connected to all that surrounds me. Will I yield to the pull? Will I say yes?
For me it has become enough to want deeply, knowing I will never possess what I want. It is both enough and most intense to want, yet not possess. To attempt to possess extinguishes want.
I see around me that there are those who may seem to want, but they are in fact driven to possess. For them it has become an illusion and unnatural state to hoard, to only posses. And they have spent, lost the intense energy of want.
When I first manifested in the world at my birth, I was a child of great latent want. That rich want grew more bountiful and powerful as I grew.
But want is not the realm of youth alone. I can grow with passing time and the edge of want can sharpen. I could have joined those whose want is allowed to be blunted, but that certainly is not my intent. I have instead chosen to sharpen my want on the steel of aging. I intend to give myself to the sharp edge of want, allow myself to feel want deeply
I will be someone who wants. For me, to want is to become radically authentic. To want is the sweet and intoxicating essence of being alive.