
For me, this has become a highly sensory time of year. In fact, I like seeing it as sensational. All my senses are invited to become alert Now is a time of a dramatic shift in the color palette in the world I walk through each day. I notice the sudden appearance of a new scent made from the spice of drying plants. I experience the routine rustle of crackling leaves under my feet. I walk out the door into surprising shifts in temperature so characteristic of Minnesota.

It is a different kind of vibrancy that reminds me of what it is like to really be alive in a highly sensory world. Many of us experience it as a time of letting go as we wake up to new sensations. It is tempting to attempt to pay attention to what must be surrendered to the past. But alert senses draw me into the present and open my awareness to what is new and exciting.

I step out into the open air of autumn, and I accept the invitation to see myself as free fall. The highly sensory, sensational time of year is a gift that calls me into an unattached kind of living. I launch into an experience of emptiness made accessible through my fully alert senses. I accept the invitation to free fall.