It never ends, does it? I mean the peeling back of the layers that conceal mystery. As much as I already think that there is much I understand and perhaps even know, there is more to be understood and known. It lies just beyond my reach, just beyond the margins of my mind. And I love the pursuit.
I know it will not end, at least not in this current reckoning of time. My plunge into mystery will never exhaust me, and I intend to never tire. All things, everyone I meet is an invitation for me to explore further. I enjoy and delight in the gradual, tantalizing reveal.
So often these days, I find myself saying “may I realize that I no longer have a path to travel.” I do want the path to end, to reach the other shore, but perhaps today is not that day. Today is another time to unfold the mystery of every thing and every one that crosses that path I still travel. That unfolding of the next layers of mystery will continue to give me an abundance of joy.
I realize that I carry my own mystery that I am constantly exploring and revealing to others. I do not want this to be a rushed project because I think that the deep experience of intimacy is in the gradual explore, the gradual reveal of mystery. I want there always to be the part of me that is not yet obvious to me or to anyone else. The time will come when all will be revealed and known in the most intimate way possible. At that time I will have learned to experience my degree of intimacy with all things. I will eventually experience how I am connected to all things.
But that time has not yet arrived. I know in slight and revealing ways that I am connected to everyone, to all things. But there is still great mystery about that connection. Today is another opportune time to peel back the layers of mystery just a little bit more. It is another time to reveal and to discover. It is a wonderful time to plunge into the mystery that awaits.