It has become a frightening adventure for me to explore the gap between desire and object of desire. It seems a place of infinite risk and total letting go. There is no resolution or surcease of longing in the gap. Still, the gap also becomes an expanded space of insight and absorption.
The gap is a middle place filled with all the power of desire and longing without the possession of the object of desire. It is a place of unmeasured letting go and deep emptiness that spontaneously arises. The trappings of self have been stripped away in the gap and the burning ardor of desire is given full experience.
The gap is a place between an unrealized past and a longed-for future. Neither past or future can enter the gap. Regret and longing are cleansed of their meaning and lose their hold on me.
The gap is where all is revealed, the deep chasm of feeling is probed and everything is possible in an instant. For me it is where discontent is both accepted and resolved. The gap is both uncomfortable and a joy to savor. It reminds me of dark, bitter chocolate.