I consider Truth a great virtue. I aspire to live and practice the virtue of Truth in whatever ways I can. The opportunities are many and constant. For me, the practice of the virtue of Truth is a way of wholeness, integration and alignment.
I don’t think anyone can give me Truth. Truth comes only through my experience of it. I back away from anyone who claims to be telling any Truth other than their own experience. While this happens in a numbers of venues, it is especially an issue in areas of spirituality or religion. So many illusions of Truth are presented on behalf of a religious point of view. I am wiling to listen to people who are reporting on their experience and I turn away from any suggestion of dogmatism.
Practicing the virtue of Truth is made more difficult by the distortions and distractions of fear. The response of fear to a perceived threat is part of being human. So often, fear energizes the illusion of a threat and makes it more difficult to experience reality just as it is.
I am determined not to resist what is. I am determined not to make anything into something it is not just because I wish things were different. I want to experience the world as it is and not as I want it to be. I want to speak in such a way that my words come from my experience of Truth. I do not want to misrepresent reality and instead I will be an instrument of Truth.
Practicing the virtue of Truth is not easy. My life is full of so much exposure to illusion that it is difficult to experience reality just as it is. So I cultivate awareness and insight so that I can more readily practice Truth. It is the only great path I find worth following.