
I think that language can be so confining. It causes me to make mistakes in my thinking and in my speech. Language can be misleading and often a mistake. When I said “I love you” to a dear and deep friend, I misspoke. I confined to language and concept what cannot be confined.

I made a mistake. I wish I had realized that there is no “you” and there is no “I” when it comes to love and in what I meant to say. It was a mistake to suggest that there is a giver and a receiver in what was happening at that moment.

What I meant to say is that we have entered the arena where love is deeply experienced and readily flows. We have surrendered to a field of love and allowed it to penetrate our every fiber without resistance. The energy of love is now allowed to flow.

I made a mistake by not remembering that love is a natural state of the universe, and all I can do is decide whether to resist it. It is not something I can do, there is no action to take as suggested in “I love you.” It is not something I can receive except to yield to this force that has already penetrated the essence of who we are. It is the core of our nature.

To say “I love you” is a mistake if I imply anything less or more than I see and witness how we are connected and how love flows between us. I not only do not resist that connection, but I let go of any attempt I might make to confine it. I do not place any conditions or promises on it because that would be like a cage around a wild falcon.

I do not think that love is something that we pass from one cup to another. It is, instead, an ocean in which we swim, live and breathe. It is in every fiber of our being and not something we give to one another.

Even though there may be times that I think that I can genuinely say “I Love you,” I also realize that it is a mistake to think of a “you” and a “I.” Perhaps I can truly say that my heart is open and I am stepping in to a remarkable kind of engagement. It is an engagement in which we relax, let go, allow the connection between us to be evident.

This is a realm of engagement where the pulse of love might naturally be experienced. It is the realm where the power of seeds sprout and falcons soar. What I can do is attempt to align my awareness with the mysterious energy that is prepared to flow in and between us.

I cannot give love any more than I can give the rays of the morning sun. I can do my best to not cast a shadow that obstructs or distorts the full brightness and warmth of the sun. It would be a mistake to put an “I” in the path of the sun’s rays, as it would be to put an “I” between you and me.

Of course, neither is there a “you” in the engagement. There is only the awareness, the consciousness that is able to absorb the warmth and depth of the deep force which I try not to obscure or obstruct.

I may not be able to confer or to give love, but I can help another to experience the warmth and depth of the love that readily flows in the universe. I think it is possible to step beyond the constraints of language and the mental constrictions I often place on experience. I think it is possible for me to engage with another in a manner that allows love to flow and be deeply experienced.

I know my part rather well because I have learned to have an open heart that readily steps aside and allows the deep energy of love to arise and flow. I have noticed that others have a similar skill, and that gives me hope. I want to help others to have the same open experience. To do that, I am convinced that we must remove the barriers between us. That includes no longer making the mistakes of “I” and “you”.

I must not create dikes or channels to control the flow or condition the flow of love. Also, I must neither grasp or resist the flow of love. It is foolish to predict or promise the future of love. It is a mistake for my mind or language to try to control what cannot be controlled.