
Like my thoughts this morning, my life is spent wandering.    I have a sense of where I have been, but only a vague sense of where I am.    It is my hope to be of some help to my companions as we wander together in the virtual darkness.   I rely on my companions to be of help to me and discover what lies beyond my senses.

What appears to my eyes and other senses as light is but a small window into the unseen.    For now, the rest is darkness.    There is so much that I do not see that I might as well be wandering in darkness.    What lies beyond my senses is a world of reality I have only begun to discover.    So much remains unseen.    

Some people speak of us living in an illusion.     I think that what we see and directly experience is real.    It is no illusion, unless we mistake it to be all of reality.   Like me, many others wander in a world of darkness.    We have the illusion that I can see, but what I see is only a fragment of reality.    I rely on a very limited sensory experience, and I might as well be a blind man stumbling and wandering through a world I can only partly sense.    

With my eyes, I can only see the visible spectrum, a fraction of the wavelengths surrounding me.   It is so illusory that I think I can see all of reality that I inevitably stumble.    There is so much more that exists beyond  my field of vision, and I could see only a small part of that even if my field of vision were  doubled.    

The unseen is vast and beyond anything I can come to understand, even with the assistance of devices we use to convert some of the unseen waves into something I might understand.    

I naturally shake my unbelieving, disappointed head at those who cannot or refuse to see what to me and to others seems so apparent.   Right now, that is especially the case for all the indications I see of the changing world climate.    Then I realize that we are all wanderers making our way in a darkness that we can neither grasp or understand.     With many others, I wander in a darkness that has yet to reveal what reality lies beyond what I can clearly see.   

It is hard for me to remember that the unseen is as real as the lights on the tree outside my window, which I think I can clearly see and discern.   I have simply not yet figured out how to see that reality.  

 I sometimes call “spiritual” those parts of me and my world that I cannot see.    It is as though that unseen reality is something unlike the people, plants and rocks I can see and touch.   The unseen is simply a reality beyond my sensory array.    It is as real as anything I can see and touch.   

I may be a wanderer in a sea of sensory darkness.    That, however, does not limit my field of awareness.    The darkness holds many secret realities, and I think there may be ways to experience them.