I give back all the fears and constraints that have controlled and guided me. I release all that I have been taught about how to live. I surrender all the norms handed to me by my ancestors.
I release all that I have been taught about what it means to be human. I surrender all the norms of what it means to be male. I give back all I have learned about how to love and be open-hearted with my companions.
I release the notion that there is just one other person that defines the expanse of how I live my life. There is no more determined shape or form to my life. All has begun again. I surrender all I have been taught about how to be a close friend. I release all I am told about how to be a gardener. I give up all the arcane notions of growing old.
I surrender all the things I have been told about the need for security and possessions.
All my life, I have pulled the harness given me by my ancestors and my culture. I release them all.
I have waited long enough. I am finally free.