
There is a very human part of me that struggles with being alone.   It has been a lifetime of learning as I have tried to find how to be alone and yet be absorbed by my world.    There is no more obvious example of this than how I have reacted with my fellow humans.   I look back, and I realize how I have often reached across the divide and gathered companions while at the same time I was holding onto something that kept me separate.

It happens even now.  It may only be a passing glance, or a long and intimate conversation.    The connection may only be subtle, but we touch one another’s aloneness and we are connected.

There are times that the presence of another seems such a familiar place.    Someone is so similar that I am almost seeing a reflection of myself and whom I have become.   Other times the difference is strange and foreign yet inviting.   For the moment we are companions and we dance away a time of passing opportunity.   Polarities sometimes attract and sometimes push away.

All my life, my experience of aloneness has been a mystery I have cautiously explored.   I have never really understood or absorbed what it means to be alone and at the same time stand side by side with my companions.     I only know that I am less cautious and restrained than I was half a century ago.