
For me it has been quite simple and clear.   As I get older, I have a choice.   Shall I hang onto old ideas, beliefs and concepts or put them aside in favor of a less cluttered grasp of my world.   I’m trying to stay to my choice of the latter, a choice that requires daily, even hourly renewal it seems.

I’ve not been struck by a lightning bold of inspiration that drove me to this choice.   It has been brewing for many years, but I’ve never quite been ready to actually sample it.

I’m discovering a kind of discernment that may require years of storage in a dark basement before it time arrives.   I’m actually getting more mellow, less anxious and more comfortable with uncertainty.

I’m enjoying a world that surrounds me with more clarity than it has before.   It is easier for me to see people just as they are.   No pre-conceived notions.   The world looks like a different place the more I am able to give up my old expectations and beliefs.

There is no need for special interpretation or revelation.   Things just simply are the way they are.   There is mystery still because there are many things I don’t quite understand.   The more I am able to look through the illusions created by my imagination, the more I experience my world with clarity.

I want to put fears and grasping aside and try to live my days with an open mind.