I am only beginning to appreciate the amount of attention and affection I give to invisible things. My invisible world stretches and expands the more I understand how things have come to be and how they respond to me and one another.
So many things are invisible to me because they are too small, too distant or too obscured by other things. Some of these I can see if my vision is improved by bending light. There are tools I can use to make them visible to me. They can make things appear larger or closer to me.
Still, most of my world is invisible to me because it exists beyond my senses. Many wave lengths are beyond the narrow range of perception allowed by my eyes. Yet they are as real as other things my eyes are capable of seeing. There are sounds that travel on waves too high, too low or too weak for my ears to sense. That makes them no less real.
I live in an ocean of real things that I cannot sense any more than a fish recognizes it lives in water. The fields and particles rushing around me and thru me are as real as my hand. Yet I cannot feel or see this ocean in which I exist and which exists in me.
Even though what they present to me is something of an illusion, I suppose I can trust my senses to a degree. They can take me to the threshold of a wondrous reality that beckons me in. I may see, hear and touch so much, but I can be aware of so much more. Of this invisibility I am certain.