
I grew up expecting miracles.   It was close to a daily occurrence.   I would pray, and just because I asked, I expected that the order of the universe would change to fit my preference or my design.   I never realized that it would have been more effective if I just changed myself and my expectations to fit the order of the universe.    I would have been much more successful if I had just yielded to what would be.

I suppose that when I stand before the mountain, I can ask the mountain to change, to move just a little to the right so I can pass.    Perhaps just make the slope a little easier for me to climb.   Not let its rocks slide down on me.   I haven’t found it works this way.

On the other hand, there are times the mountain does change.   Not because I ask it  to, but because I change how I approach it.    I change, and so my encounter with the mountain changes.    And that becomes reality.